Registration Services
For Assistance Call: 920-924-2424
For Technical Help: 1-866-847-4762
18 hole Scramble Golf Event.
18 Holes - $90 for Golf, Cart, Range and Dinner / $360 Per Team
$30 for Dinner Only or Extra Dinners
Hole Prizes and Big Raffles.
Sign up yourself or your group here at our secure website.
Most groups sign up as a foursome but if you are a single or twosome and know who you want to play with please let us know by email or enter a team name so we match you up.
Hole Sponsorships are $100 for Silver and $500 for Gold. If you have questions about the hole sponsorships or to donate raffle items and hole prizes contact Michele Haensgen at Associated Bank, 888 S. Main Street, Fond du Lac, WI 54935. 920-948-9181. (email)
Hole sponsors: after you pay online be sure to email Michele with your logo and information.